jammu- Srinagar protested against the decision to abolish Section 4 in Indian-administered Kashmir, international media reported.
Al Jazeera, the New York Times and news agency Reuters have claimed that police opened fire with tear gas to control the protesters. It is claimed that some demonstrators were injured in the incident. The report claims that foreign media and journalists were targeted
Many Indians consider Kashmir an integral part of India and have wanted to bring it more intimately into the fold. Indian officials say that removing its autonomy and exerting more central government control will cut down on corruption, improve security and lift the local economy.
But many Kashmiris don’t want to be part of India at all. They see India as foreign and oppressive and, for decades, have chafed under the country’s rule, expressing their frustration in countless ways, from school sit-ins to armed insurgency.
The one important thing the opposing sides agree on-perhaps the only thing-is that for too long Kashmir has suffered stagnation, hopelessness, squandered potential and endless killing.